Aged Cashew Nut Cheese
Country of origin: United States
Region: Brooklyn NY
Type: firm, artisan
Texture: firm and spreadable
Colour: golden yellow
Flavour: creamy, nutty, subtle
Aroma: clean, fresh, nutty
Vegetarian: yes
Vegan: no
Producers: Dr. Cow Tree Nut Cheese
Synonyms: Cajun Aged Cashew Cheese, Smoked Aged Cashew Cheese, Truffle Aged Cashew Cheese, Reishi Mushroom Aged Cashew Cheese
Alternative spellings: Plain Aged Cashew Cheese
Dr-Cow's Aged Cashew Nut Cheese (Plain Aged Cashew Cheese) is a goldish-blonde aged cheese made using naturally sweet and delicious Indonesian cashews. It is aged for 3 months, during which the cheese develops a firm texture and creamy, mellow flavour.
This artisanal cheese is low in fat, sodium and calories, contains zero cholesterol and is a good source of vegetable protein. It is absolutely free of preservatives, stabilizers, artificial ingredients or additives of any kind. Plus there is no gluten, casein, soy and is lactose-free, 100% organic and vegan. A popular alternative for vegans, you can smear Aged Cashew Nut Cheese on crackers or pastries.
Other varieties include:
Reishi Mushroom Aged Cashew Cheese: Reishi Spores and Shilajit are added while making this cheese. It is aged for a minimum of 7 weeks and is gold and dark brown in colour with bold and cheesy odour.
Truffle Aged Cashew Cheese: A golden coloured cheese with blue red and yellow sparks is aged for a minimum of 7 weeks. White truffle salt, sparks of powder (carrot, blue-green algae, beets) are is added while making this cheese which gives hints of garland musky fragrance.
Smoked Aged Cashew Cheese: While preparing this cheese black tea is sprinkled throughout the cheese which gives the smoky flavour. It is also aged for a minimum of 7 weeks.
Cajun Aged Cashew Cheese: Cajun are sprinkled on top and bottom which makes this cheese spicey in taste. It is also aged for a minimum of 7 weeks.

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