Vintage Van Gogh Gouda
Made from pasteurized cow's milk
Country of origin: United States
Region: Wisconsin
Family: Gouda
Type: semi-hard
Texture: creamy
Rind: natural
Colour: pale yellow
Flavour: caramel, creamy
Aroma: fresh, rich
Producers: Emmi Roth USA
Vintage Van Gogh Gouda is made from full cream, pasteurized cow's milk by Emmi Roth USA in Wisconsin, US. The cheese is aged for 6-8 months. It has a beautiful creamy texture with a touch of caramel to add to the taste. Along with its flavours, its rich, mellow body makes it a favourite amongst the consumers. It's perfect for Quiche and omelettes, burger toppings and hash browns. As the ultimate dessert cheese, you can pair it with pecans, dark chocolates, cranberries etc.

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