Tomme de Savoie
What is Tomme de Savoie Cheese?
Tomme is a name given to a family of cheeses originating from the French Alps and Switzerland, with Tomme de Savoie being a notable variety produced in the Savoie region of northwestern France.
This particular cheese is made from raw, skimmed cow's milk, and its flavour profile undergoes seasonal variations based on the diet of the cows, whether winter hay or summer grass.
Maturation occurs over 2-4 months in natural caves, with regular washing twice a week contributing to the development of a thick grey rind adorned with yellow or red moulds.
Tomme de Savoie features a semi-firm texture and a grassy, nutty taste, complemented by numerous irregular eyes within its ivory-coloured paste and subtle tangy, slightly citrusy notes.
The cheese pairs well with medium-bodied red wines from Côtes du Rhône, sausages, fruits and bread.

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