The Best Cheese for Mac n’ Cheese

Macaroni and cheese is a popular classic comfort food that is always a crowd pleaser and a favourite among the young kids. While a classic Mac n’ Cheese is simple, the creamy and cheesy delight is a hit and miss sometimes, especially when you try experimenting with different types of cheese.
Check out our list of the different types of cheese you can use to make a quick mac n’ cheese without running off for a last minute grocery dash!
Known as the cheese to be eaten by kings, Brie adds in a luxurious take to the humble comfort food that we have in our home. The cheese is made in the region of France and has a wide variety of flavours from buttery, to nutty and runny as well. Give it a definite try!
Danish Fontina
Popular among foodies for their red wax wrapping paper, the Danish Fontina is a particular cow’s milk cheese that has been crafted in Italy and is delicious to use while trying out macaroni and cheese recipes. While there are pricer versions, grab a mid-range fontina cheese and let the earthy flavours melt with the butter to make for a delicious mac n’ cheese!
The sharp and salty parmesan flavours are always a hit in any cheese food item. While cheddar is used in a grilled cheese sandwich, it is also common to use while making homemade macaroni with cheese. The fruity, salty and slightly gritty texture with the smooth and creamy butter is sure to make you crave for a lot than one bite!
Smoked Gouda
Gouda is named after the Dutch city from where it originated from. This semi-hard cheese is particularly popular because of its smooth and creamy texture. While it is a different choice from the traditional route, Smoked Gouda is perfect if you want to add a slightly stronger flavour to your otherwise mild macaroni and cheese delight.
Monterey Jack

Originally made in Monterey, California, this American cheese is easy to love because of its creamy rich flavour. It is perfect if you want to try out the classic gooey cheese look with mild cheddar flavours that not even adults and children can resist, be sure to give Monterey Jack a try.
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